WASBAPPIN, what is your opinion on the India-Pakistan conflict? Both countries have nukes, India's a traditional ally of Russia, Pakistan's a traditional ally of China. India has leaned towards Assad as a result of a shared membership in the non-alignment movement, Pakistan hasn't declared that they support the Syrian rebels but their alliances with Saudi Arabia and Turkey show that there is some bias against him. But, recently Pakistan has been aligning with Russia, engaging in trade deals with them despite the sanctions and refusing to vote against them in the UN. They also played a role in America's defeat in Afghanistan and arguably are the only reason Taliban still stands, and are currently normalizing with Assad. Are both countries herrenvolk states?

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BAPPY, where are you? It's been over a month. Youre getting everything you want in politics right now: your beloved Blob is using Ukraine as a proxy to fight Russia indefinitely, antifa is already doxing and threatening anyone who refuses to call Russian attacks in Ukraine gEnOcIdE, ordinary shitlib winemoms are braying for a nuclear strike to wipe out Russia once and for all. Biden, facing electoral catastrophe, is incentivized to escalate the war past the proxy phase; NATO may directly confront Russia soon. The Doomsday Clock hasnt been this close to midnight since 1983. BAPPINISM is triumphing right now; why arent you gloating? Where are you?

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Wasbappin. any views on the newest developments as the Second Holodomor is starting again.

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Hi BAPPY, I am curious to know if you plan on suing Vaush for stealing your anarcho-neoconservative gimmick. Or maybe challenge him to a duel? You did it when it was stunning and brave; he's doing it now, after Russia has begun invading Ukraine, that it is cheap and easy - hardly seems fair! Pretty crummy of him to not even give you any credit for being a pioneer of woke imperialism 😞

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