Trad World Order can’t wait for pogroms in the United States.
They want us cheering on as Sons of Zion Tommy Robinson and Douglas Murray organize mass deportations and Secretary of Dewokification Chris Rufo struggle sessions Woke Industrial Complex DEI HR Stacies and Black Panther CRT educators at the Judah P. Benjamin Memorial Border Wall’s black sites.
Tradists would love nothing more than free reign to dismantle the material conditions for globohomo: the immigration powering the unstoppable U.S. economy and a higher education system that naturally churns out temperamental Democrats.
This, of course, is why they committed all available forces to preserve Assad.
But we have come to a disturbing realization. Many of those who now “combat antisemitism” are completely unaware that the Right and Left mobilizations to protect Assad constituted a war on Jewish political power. The fact that the exact same networks mobilized for the Gazafestung is, at best, treated as a curious footnote.
With their victory, reactionaries created a world in which Jewish people were not safe.
To make things worse, many of those same reactionaries control the narratives Jewish people and allies use to understand the current threat environment.
To them, the October 7 Genocide that invalidated the founding value proposition of Israel and attacks against Jewish people worldwide did not occur due to an Axis military defeat against the liberal order, which kept these forces at bay, but rather due to woke educators peddling their institutionally antisemitic CRT pedagogy to The Youth and antisemitic immigrants reaching some critical mass of influence.
As these are only the knock-on effects of Assad’s continued existence, Combat Antisemitism walks into Trad World Order’s hedge maze of pseudoresistance, doomed to attack decoys as Tradic forces close for the kill.
With our High Woke understanding of the mechanics of Axis Power, we can see that Combat Antisemitism is trapped by conservatism. Walk through their explanations, and the global surge in antisemitic actions always, regardless of the situation, arises from some failure of virtue. The notion that human actors could exert an exogenous shock against a political order that previously restrained antisemites is alien.
And, as the Combat Antisemitism space is wholly dominated by Republicans, entrants receive only a cherry-picked set of data points structured to guide them into Republicanism (everyone knows about Rob Malley’s alleged Iranian connections, but you won’t hear about the regime mouthpiece Tehran Times coordinating with FuDDies to remove him, about Pomepo calling off the Battle of Hodeidah in 2018 to give Yemen to the Houthis, or other inconvenient facts to the Republicans Are The True Protectors of Jewish Interests narrative), inoculating them against any understanding of the Axis war on Jewish Power.
Instead, they say antisemites were always here but now feel emboldened to act.
Democrats, then, are cast as the villains of the hour. Jewish people are attacked due to their laxity and would stop If Only Biden Said Something. The Gazafestung felt emboldened to launch October 7 because Maher Bitar, campus Palestinianists, and Michigan conservatives would pressure Biden to restrain Israel’s response.
This narrative only exists because, within Combat Antisemitism, the open Republican alliance with Iran simply does not exist. Unfortunately, many non-Republicans trust this narrative out of hand. After all, if the rightists were correct (at least in part) about palestinianism, what else are they right about?
So we learn Eternal King of Israel Donald Jehovah Trump was the greatest friend in the Presidency Israel ever had. Mr. Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the legitimacy of settlements. Trump killed Soleimani and JCPOA and sanctioned the mullahs, unlike OBAMA, who surrounded Israel with a Ring of Fire.
Insofar that Combat Antisemitism interacts with inconvenient facts that would disintegrate this narrative, it is to obliterate or invert them. Trump giving Syria to Iran in 2017 by cutting off weapons to Syrian rebels didn’t happen, or worse, was irrelevant because rebels were already defeated in 2013 under OBAMA. Likewise, Trump’s collaboration with Soleimani to crush the KRG’s independence referendum, thereby cementing Iranian control over Iraq post-ISIS, didn’t happen or is irrelevant, as was his decision to give Yemen to the Houthis after their near-defeat in 2018. Trump's withdrawal from JCPOA with the same Bush Administration team that helped North Korea go nuclear, with the same Maximum Pressure playbook, was actually done to save Israel from OBAMA deep-staters.
But we understand the surging antisemitism is merely one more shockwave from the defeat of 2013. Liberals lost the decisive battle of the era and now muddle through its aftermath. No amount of internal policing by Democrats will defeat the antisemites because a lack of such policing was not the source of antisemites’ newfound power.
We also understand that Republicans framed Democrats as the source of antisemitism precisely because Democrats lack the cultural and legal means to conduct such policing in peacetime. A two-front assault, with internal antisemites empowered by an emergent global order that favors antisemitism, can never be countered with the peacetime approaches the Axis war-free Republican narrative presupposes.
The game is perfectly rigged against Democrats and for the Axis.
To be sure, some elements of organized liberalism, including AIPAC, at least partially grasped the importance of deposing Assad, however belatedly. However, by September 2013, liberalism’s efforts to move against Assad were insufficient to overcome the two-year Republican Fabian campaign against “intervention.”
Again, like much of what we say, here we are simply recounting events that happened. We are not “making the case” for anything but delivering a factual recounting of past events. One can accept the Reality that antisemites feel free to operate today because Republicans shot down Syrian intervention decisively in 2013 or reject it for the shadow realm of delusion and false belief.
Why, then, would anyone ever reject Reality? Much less Combat Antisemitism, who choose self-destruction by rejecting Reality?
One reason is that liberals exhibit a strong allergism to the notion that their military and political fortunes are intertwined. A victory in one sphere can enable another, while a setback or defeat can have catastrophic consequences for both.
This basic dynamic seems lost on them, perhaps due to their long isolation and inherent structural forces within the Democratic coalition.
This aloofness may also arise from the United States’ unparalleled power. Because of it, few USians seem to believe that events outside the United States can impact the political fortunes of competing factions inside the country.
Yet America is a ship in the sea, buffeted by waves like any other. The liberal political forces within the United States are part of an interconnected network spanning the globe. When the lamps go out in one part, the whole is a little dimmer. Conservatives realize they have little hope of shutting off the lights within the United States directly, but they can weaken the entire system by shutting them off where possible. And with each part of the network they blot out, they bring night ever closer.
It takes little imagination to recognize how this systematic demolition impacts domestic politics. The Allied victory over reactionaries in World War One enabled the domestic victories of suffragettes. The second Allied victory meant the Civil Rights Movement would flourish and not be suppressed in its infancy. On the other hand, the collapse of South Vietnam meant there would be no Equal Rights Amendment, even as it seemed tantalizingly close to passage.
Syria was and is the great battle for modern liberal political forces. For about a decade and a half before 2013, whenever a conflict erupted, there was a question of when and if “the West” would intervene. This instilled at least some fear in reactionary forces, many of whom met their end after overplaying their hand in domestic crackdowns.
Globohomo flourished, and a wave of color revolutions swept the earth.
The new, modern forces underwriting this new order were the ones that kept ancient forces like antisemitism in the United States at bay for decades.
Syria was and is a direct challenge to this order and the forces behind it.
A victory for enemies of liberalism in Syria would allow them to unleash the forces that liberalism had previously held back. This is why all anti-liberals rallied to Assad. Liberalism’s advocates had little understanding of the importance of Syria for their project, for, as liberals, they had no understanding of revolution.
As a result, even though Syria represented an existential struggle for the liberal world order and for liberalism itself, the per capita mobilization for intervention against Assad by liberals was far smaller than it ever was among the anti-liberals for Assad.
Because what followed from Syria, a military defeat, is so alien to liberals, and Republican efforts to capitalize on this ignorance by scooping them up into Republicanism post-October 7 are so successful, we must explain this very simple phenomenon of defeat in very simple terms to explain the impact of defeat in Syria on the liberal project.
Defeat occurs when a political movement is expected to and intends to take an action but is prevented by its opponents.
By the rules and the expectations liberalism had set across the previous two decades before 2013, liberalism was supposed to conduct a humanitarian intervention, the most advanced project of liberalism, against Assad after he launched a direct attack on American power by gassing Ghouta.
Republicans and leftists united to prevent this intervention.
Syria, then, was a defeat for liberalism.
With the tip of liberalism’s spear broken and Assad safe in power, liberalism was decapitated. Liberalism did not advance to the next logical step it intended to reach, leaving it weak relative to its opponents, who are able to move forward to the next step of their own projects.
Truthfully, this death blow arrived in mid-2012. The United States was supposed to set up a safe zone around Aleppo and across southern Syria once rebels liberated much of Aleppo and Damascus. Thanks to Republicans and leftists, this never happened, and for eight months, liberalism was left adrift. During this interregnum, proto-Squadism attempted to assume Democratic ideological leadership.
Assad gassing Ghouta in 2013 suddenly, and for the last time, put intervention back on the table, reviving the most advanced layer of the liberal project. Republicans, of course, immediately and ferociously moved against it, winning a decisive victory against liberalism.
With liberals issued a strategic defeat, the forces they held back were now unleashed.
The liberalism that protected Jewish people in the United States did not protect them alone. It protected all of its children. When liberalism was unable to protect its children in Syria, it also lost its ability to protect its children in the United States and elsewhere. Liberalism’s foreign and domestic projects are interlinked, each the extension of the same universalism.
The Axis attempted to destroy this universalism with Syria on at least two fronts: by destroying extant permission structures and by awakening deep, primeval forces to reshape humanity through mental disturbances wrought by mass violence.
The Axis, then, sought to unleash and harness antisemtism in two ways.
Some who instinctively understood Syria's meaning said, “If it’s happening there, it will happen here.” What they understood was Syria was an attempt to roll back permission structures on a global level.
With Assad’s mass slaughter in Syria, which at the time novel, the Axis hoped to awaken the primeval forces of mental disturbance necessary to create new forms of being, such as homo axis. There may be other forms which we have not documented.
But antisemitism also exists as something akin to a mental disturbance, a balrog buried deep within. The reasons for this are varied but are largely supersessionist. The forces of Reaction are attempting to shake it awake in as many people as possible.
By capturing Combat Antisemitism, conservatives rendered invisible the organized resistance to liberalism that unleashes these demons as part of its strategy to conquer Free Humans while placing all responsibility for taming them on the individual. The sole force that can roll back these efforts, the Democratic Party, is now uniquely vilified as the battering ram for antisemitism globally.
From this perspective, we can see this demolition of anti-antisemitism services also conforms to centuries-long Conservative efforts to usher in a Dark Age.
Now, in Late Conservatism, just as it seemed they were about to disappear from the stage forever, conservatives may yet engineer enough crises and issue enough self-fulfilling prophecies to entice their victims to turn off the lamps themselves.
The Khmer Rouge defender Noam Chomsky was at least right on one thing:
"The Republican party is the most dangerous organization in human history."
Four reasons why Rightoids should never be in charge of foreign policy
1) Not only the GOP s want to destroy Israel but they previously backed the genocide of Jews and Slavs and complete enslavement of Europoors. During his OKH meetings, Adolf Hitler praised the Republican candidate Thomas E. Dewey and hoped his victory could enable an isolationist shift from FDR. If Contards were in charge in 1940, the Vernichtungskrieg would have lasted 5 more years with 15 millions more dead and Stalin would have conquered the entire Europe anyway. Pat Buchanan and Michael Tracey are geriatric moron, Nazis already lost the war in spring 1941 (read David Stahel) and the amazing merit of Liberal Hawks Muricans is to have quicken this carnage
2) You can make a paralel between Linderberghian "America Lasters" and the hesitancy of Western Free Humans to directly intervene in Syria and Ukraine, a shyness that will only cause more casualties, essentially due to Red Brown fearmongering about nuclear weapons. "Pacifists" "and "Non-interventionist" are fine with forever war and genocide (but when it's done by other reactionary powers)
3) Speaking of Nixon backstabbing the TradCath regime of South Vietnam, Rethuglikkkans are equally clueless at defending their own Christo-Chud values (the GOP armed Communist China just as they industrialized the USSR in the 1920s)
4) Conservatives also take a great joy at killing themselves by refusing to take the Fauci ouchie, it's like they were moved by an auto-destructive impulse. How such anti-social behavior and anti-intellectualism couldn't contaminate their FP views? A whitepill is the GQP incoherent raving will ultimately doom their regressive project per se
Great article Bap' as always. It's hilarious to read Isocucks and Wignats speaking about how Trump and the GOP are "Zio compromised" (because Sheldon Adelson money or whatever JQ crankery) while they enable the most ferocious antisemites online and behave as direct saboteurs of Tel Aviv security (tearing apart the JCPOA was the dumbest move of the century after the 2015 depleting of US troops in Afghanistan).
Speaking of Syria, the journalist Georges Malbrunot claims around 22:20 to have spoken with someone close to Assad: "We're not going to support Hamas, which killed 50,000 of our men between 2011-13"
The Baathist State is definitely a cold monster and some Lebanese Maronites/Sunni rightfully make fun of Hezb militants who died en masse to save this junta of kuffar
Everyone is talking about the tunnel warfare in Gaza and it seems that back in the day, the Hamasnik has given their expertise to various group of rebels to conduct massive tunnel bombs like this one of Ahrar al-Sham near Idlib